I am an assistant professor of public policy at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, where I am also a core faculty member of the Data Analytics and Computational Social Science program and a faculty affiliate of Center for Justice, Law, and Societies and the Computational Social Science Initiative. Additionally, I am a faculty affiliate at the Center for Effective Lawmaking, where I was previously a post-doctoral research associate located at the University of Virginia. Broadly, my research addresses two questions: (1) How do descriptive identities (e.g., race and gender) of officials and civilians intersect with context, such as policy and institutions, to shape outcomes; and (2) How does language relate to policy and perceptions of politics? I do so through a focus on race, gender, and policing; and the language used by elites. To explore these questions, I collect and analyze large data sets using statistical and machine learning techniques, which I complement with experimental methods.
I am a co-author of Suspect Citizens: What 20 Million Stops Tell Us About Policing and Race (Cambridge University Press, 2018, co-winner of the C. Herman Pritchett Book Award from the American Political Science Association Section on Law and Courts). Additionally, my work has appeared in Science Advances, the American Political Science Review, the American Journal of Political Science, and the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, among others.
I earned my Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2018, where I specialized in both American Politics and Political Methodology. I earned my B.A. in Political Science and Philosophy, with Honors from The Ohio State University in May 2013, and I earned my M.A. in Political Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in August 2015.
For more information, see my CV, and explore the links above on my research, teaching, and advice for students.
Please contact me by email at kshoub[at]umass.edu.